
Daikyo D Sigma Pistons

By Christa Jansen-Otten

七月 20, 2020

Innovation in manufacturing involves a spectrum of evolution improvements resulting in what West’s partner Daikyo Seiko, Ltd. considers "Absolute Quality." Recent continuous improvement efforts helped Daikyo achieve even higher levels in cleanliness of elastomer products.

By Your Side for Expertise

By Rohit Vora

七月 01, 2020

Fill-Finish engineering and process development are a critical step to ensuring product quality and manufacturability for injectable products. Fill-Finish involves technique driven process steps with considerations around patient safety at the forefront of each step. The complexity of aseptic processing and sterile fill-finish operations will continue to grow as more complex drug products enter the pipeline.

By Your Side for Collaboration

By Valerie Bomberger

五月 27, 2020

How does West respond to increased demand to produce supplies needed for use with treatments to combat the coronavirus? The answer is – with years of experience, careful planning, and a robust manufacturing program. We are committed to doing our part to speed the successful development and large-scale manufacture of high-quality components required to serve customer needs for the delivery of a safe, effective COVID-19 vaccine, which includes expanding labor and equipment resources.


By Page McAndrew PhD.

五月 22, 2020

Developing a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine presents numerous and unprecedented challenges; prominent among them are greatly accelerated timelines. Ordinarily for a new drug product, there is sufficient time for selection/evaluation of the vial/stopper packaging system – one that guarantees quality and safety from manufacture through delivery. This is not the case for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine where the primary packaging system must be chosen quickly, creating a higher risk.

Packaging Academy 2019

By Jessie Zhang

一月 28, 2020

The Packaging Academy has been organized by West in Asia Pacific for the past 5 years, beginning in 2015, and serves as a valued training platform for our customers in injectable packaging both in the areas of containment and delivery systems.