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At West, our focus is on supporting the biopharmaceutical industry in qualification and commercialization of containment and delivery systems for injectable medicines. Selecting high-quality drug packaging that meets regulatory standards is essential to a drug manufacturer’s success. West’s top priority is delivering high-quality packaging products that meet the exacting quality standards and product specifications customers require.
West’s Global Technical Customer Support (TCS) Team is key to this effort – focusing on biopharmaceutical industry needs and partnering with customers throughout the process of selecting and qualifying primary packaging solutions and drug delivery systems. This includes a sound understanding of both the packaging requirements defined by the drug product and the regulatory standards. TCS also provides technical information and scientific data on West and Daikyo products, and facilitates interaction with other West services, e.g. West Analytical Services, to reduce drug product time to market.
Additionally, TCS is active in the biopharmaceutical industry, e.g., participation in industry groups, attending conferences and exhibitions, and delivering technical reports and presentations. This enables TCS to be constantly aware of the latest trends.
Broad technical knowledge, understanding of industry needs, and service excellence ensure that West TCS remains the scientific destination for customers.
Contact a Technical Customer Support representative today to see how West can support you bringing safe, effective drug products to the market.
The Global Technical Customer Support (TCS) team has as its main focus engagement with customers – facilitating access to West’s expertise in pharmaceutical packaging components and delivery solutions, and providing assistance and technical information on West and Daikyo products and services.
Where is the product catalog? What is my item number? These questions are often asked by customers new to working with West. The problem with such questions when it comes to choosing primary drug packaging is both complex and simple: <em>people don’t choose the container closure system – rather, the choice is made by the properties of the drug product. In other words, the drug <span> </span>chooses the container.</em>
Since the Technical Guideline on Compatibility Study of Chemicals and Elastomeric Closures was published by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA, previously known as CFDA) in April 2018, it is essential for pharmaceutical companies to perform compatibility studies. However, for some domestic pharmaceutical companies that lack experience, it is unclear how to perform such a study. To address this, a series of trainings was planned by China National Pharmaceutical Packaging Association (CNPPA) – with the first held in December 2018. There were over 100 attendees from pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical packaging companies, NMPA-affiliated labs, and the third-party labs. The training received positive feedback from the participants.
Patient safety is defined by the Institute of Medicine as: the prevention of harm to patients.<sup>1</sup> The extension of this principle to general safety in healthcare is: the freedom from accidental injury, and it applies not only to patients, but to all professionals and workers in the healthcare field.<sup>2</sup>
Information is a powerful tool and West&rsquo;s Knowledge Center has been updated to provide our customers with an improved user experience. We&rsquo;ve completed a comprehensive overhaul of the Knowledge Center user interface, including a filter-based search design, more modern look and feel, and easy access to trending articles, new content, and FAQ&rsquo;s answered by West Subject Matter Experts.
Valerie Bomberger
Director, Marketing Communications & Public Relations