West Hosts Community Day at the Lionville YMCA
As this year’s annual West without Borders campaign begins to wind down, West colleagues at the Exton, Pa., headquarters spent June 22 at the Lionville YMCA raising funds for Cure4Cam and Miracle in Motion.
The day included family fun, a swim-a-thon with more than 40 participants swimming over 10 miles to raise $5,000, and a trivia night hosted by the YMCA and West. Volunteers were on hand to help paint faces and supervise a variety of games for children. Treats and snacks were also provided.
Trivia night was held in the YMCA gym, and included pizza and other refreshments. Members of the community came out to compete, with all teams scoring well. In addition to the trivia, baskets and prizes were raffled at the event, including a large screen television, sports packages and round-trip plane tickets.
Thanks all the Exton team members who have supported not only Community Day, which raised more than $12,000, but also this year’s West without Borders campaign. We are thrilled to have raised over $60,000 in support of these two charities.
Watch for more West without Borders highlights from the West campaigns around the globe – coming soon!
West without Borders is not affiliated with Doctors Without Borders®, which is a registered service mark of Bureau International de Médecins Sans Frontières.