West's Global Communications Team

outubro 09, 2015

West's Fall 2015 Show Schedule

It’s October and tradeshow season is upon us. West is excited to participate in some of the world’s premier meetings related to pharmaceutical manufacturing. Additionally, the company will offer its semi-annual Educational Series on the West Coast in November.

West logo

Please consider joining us at the following events to meet and hear from West thought leaders.

October 13-15
Madrid, Spain

AAPS Annual Meeting
October 25-28
Orlando, FL
West to host session on advances in parenteral drug packaging and delivery systems

PDA Universe of Prefilled Syringes and Injection Devices
November 3-4
Vienna, Austria
Chris Evans, Graham Reynolds, Tibor Hlobik and Christa Jansen-Otten presenting

World Vaccine Congress
November 9-11
Madrid, Spain
Henrik Hornsved presenting

West Educational Series
November 12
La Jolla, CA

USA Pharmapack Symposium
November 17
San Francisco, CA
Tibor Hlobik presenting

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