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There are many factors to be considered when selecting appropriate elastomeric components for lyophilization that can help reduce downtime, improve lyophilization performance, and overall enhance throughput and yield while maintaining drug product quality. This webinar focuses on the lyophilization process, factors to be considered when selecting container closure system for lyo drugs, closure behavior and challenges that are posed during the process along with newly introduced closure formulation that can address these challenges.

Darshana Chavan

Darshana Chavan

Technical Account Specialist, India

Darshana has more than 10 years of industry experience in providing technical support to customers in the life-science industry. In her role as a Technical Account Specialist, Darshana provides technical support to pharmaceutical/Biotech companies in India. Including providing product recommendations, technical trainings and advices to ensure smooth and easy uptake of West’s wide product portfolio as required for customer’s drug product application.