abril 20, 2023
Considerations for Storage of Vial Containment Systems at Ultra-Low and Cryogenic Temperatures
With the growing importance of <strong>gene and cell therapies</strong>, storage of <strong>vial containment systems</strong> at ultra-low temperature (-80°C) and cryogenic temperature (vapor of liquid nitrogen, i.e., -130<sup>o</sup>C to -180°C) is more common. The primary consideration for storage at such temperatures is that the <strong>vial system</strong> can maintain <strong>container closure integrity </strong>(CCI) necessary for the <strong>drug product</strong>. There are two other considerations for the vial system, considerations more critical at such temperatures than at room temperature – proper filling and proper assembly. These have been discussed in two recent publications by West scientists:<br /><br />- <em>Volumetric Capacity of Daikyo Crystal Zenith® Vials Stored in Freezing Conditons </em>(Technical Report CZ TR 2022-039)<br />- <em>Potential Over-Pressurization Issues with Ultra-Low Temperature or Cryogenic Storage of Improperly Sealed Vial/Stopper Primary Package Systems </em>(Technical Service Bulletin TSB 2020-072)<br />
Page McAndrew
Director, Scientific Communications