Packaging Blogs

Global Communications

September 15, 2014

Find the Solutions to Your Prefilled Systems Needs

Quality. Technology. Trends in manufacturing. Injection systems. Primary containers. Global market trends.  What does each of these areas have in common?  Over the past decade tremendous progress has been made in drug delivery, but challenges continue.

Learn what you need to know at the PDA Universe of PFS and Injection Devices Conference at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa, Huntington Beach, California, on October 6-7, 2014.

West is a proud exhibitor at this event, and representatives will be on hands to demonstrate technologies and customer solutions for self-injection, administration, packaging systems and components.

In addition, Graham Reynolds and Tibor Hlobik will present at the event

  • Global Market Trends – October 7, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
    Join Graham Reynolds, Vice President, Marketing and Innovation, West, as he moderates this session that will discuss the many factors which will drive and shape our industry in the coming years. Geographic expansion, increased access to healthcare, patient-centric solutions and the growth of biosimilars are examples of some of the topics to be explored.
  • Poster Presentation on October 7, 10:00 a.m.:
    Linking Component Selection to Drug Delivery Strategies in a Highly Competitive Market
    Tibor Hlobik, Global Director – PFS Platform, West

Additional topics at the conference will include:

  • Quality Infrastructure and Issues
  • New Technologies and Trends in Manufacturing Processes
  • Human Factors/Usability
  • Injection Devices: Critical Attributes and Risk Management
  • Regulatory and Compliance Aspects Such as Combination Products
  • New primary Containers, Safety Devices, and Delivery Systems

Join your peers and industry experts by registering online.

We look forward to seeing you there!