West CEO Helps United Way of Kearney Area Celebrate 50th Anniversary
On March 18, 2014, West CEO Don Morel was the keynote speaker for the Beacon of Hope dinner held to celebrate the United Way of the Kearney (Nebraska) Area’s 50th anniversary. More than 200 attendees were on hand to help celebrate, and to hear stories of West’ philanthropy, which included a $25,000 donation from West to help the United Way reach its 2014 campaign goal.
“It was a wonderful surprise,” said Lisa Reese Parish, executive director of the United Way.
Dr. Morel talked about what those gifts can accomplish, both tangibly and intangibly, and included a history of the West without Borders annual fundraising campaign, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary when it kicks off again in May.
Said Dr. Morel in a newsletter to employees, “I am proud and honored that our West family has continued to make such an impressive contribution to those in need around the world. To date, the West team has helped raise more than $2.2 million through a variety of company-wide and local campaigns.”
West is proud to support the United Way as well as many other local charities that aid children in need in the communities where our employees live and work.
Check back for more information and stories from the 2014 West without Borders global campaign!
West without Borders is not affiliated with Doctors Without Borders®, which is a registered service mark of Bureau International de Médecins Sans Frontières.