When a drug product comes off patent, generics manufacturers need speed and agility to be first to market. Finding and procuring a compatible packaging and delivery combination can be confusing and time consuming. West has a variety of solutions, including off-the-shelf options that can help you make it to market quickly and easily.

West Provides:

  • Packaging Options for a Fast Launch
  • Delivery Solutions for Differentiation
  • Technical and Regulatory Support
Case Studies
Read the following Case Studies to see how west can help:
SelfDose Patient Controlled Injector
Developing a generic drug product in A novel drug delivery system - From Selection to launch
AccelTRA® Components
Reducing Lead Time & Optimizing Costs
Daikyo® Crystal Zenith® PFS
Seeking a Commercially Ready Delivery System
NovaPure® Components
Short term work for long term gain: A proactive approach to reducing particular risk
Elastomer Components
Manufacturing Expertise Helps Resolve Issues of Stoppers Sticking
AccelTRA®, SelfDose and NovaPure® are trademarks or registered trademarks of West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., in the United States and other jurisdictions.
Daikyo® Crystal Zenith® is a registered trademark of Daikyo Seiko, Ltd.
Daikyo® Crystal Zenith® technology is licensed from Daikyo Seiko, Ltd.